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Sub Attack
10 Dec 2020
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD

Sub Attack

10 Dec 2020
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD


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Publisher: Blue Marble Works
Developer: Blue Marble Works
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 499.81MB
Required space adjusted: 534.82MB


Command your own World War II era submarine and accept your dangerous mission to sink enemy ships, but watch out for their depth charges!
You’ve got a job to do soldier! Do you have the skill and guts to complete this dangerous mission?
Welcome to the silent service. Meet the Admiral in the mission room for your briefing. Enter the conning tower and find enemy ships using a vintage hydrophone. Shift the depth lever using your Oculus Go Controller and raise the periscope and scan the dark waters of the vast ocean for enemy ships. Fire your torpedoes and sink them before the enemy escapes. Dive and escape the enemy’s depth charges to complete your mission and live another day! Earn mission ribbons, medals, and advance in rank as you complete more missions and do your duty!

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