Cover Image of Peco Peco
Peco Peco
10 Mar 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD

Peco Peco

10 Mar 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
Current price
9.99 USD


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Publisher: Bentham Realities
Developer: Bentham Realities
Current version: 0.10.54
Total installed space: 79.27MB
Required space adjusted: 54.70MB


Put together giant, colorful, animated 3D jigsaw puzzles in VR. Level editor: Cut custom 3D puzzles in VR!

In VR, 3D puzzles are much more impressive: giant cookies, dancing jelly fruits, entire miniature mythical battles, small magical worlds with floating boats and moving clouds…

3 series: Comfort Food, Diorama, In the Attic
36 models from 33 creators. Some models are even animated!
Bonus experimental series: NASA Perseverance and Ingenuity.
66 different puzzles in total (we're cutting more puzzles regularly, automated updates).
22+ hours of play to finish all the official puzzles
Cut your own puzzles in VR for your friends and family to play.

In Peco Peco jigsaw puzzling becomes immersive: you grab the colorful pieces, you snap them back, and as you do the model comes to life with sounds and animations. Players find it fun and relaxing.

Upcoming free puzzle series:
Cute cars
Swords and Katanas
Full-Size Robots


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