Cover Image of Pandemic by Prisms
Pandemic by Prisms
19 Mar 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
8.99 USD
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8.99 USD

Pandemic by Prisms

19 Mar 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
8.99 USD
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8.99 USD
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8.99 USD
Current price
8.99 USD


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Publisher: Prisms of Reality Inc.
Developer: Prisms of Reality
Current version: 0.5.61
Total installed space: 874.17MB
Required space adjusted: 1.64GB


Have you ever wondered how scientists developed strategies to limit the impact of the 2020 pandemic on human lives and health systems? Pandemic by Prisms is an algebra learning game that builds lasting fluency with exponential functions and allows you to apply algebraic thinking to one of the most important problems today - the global pandemic. While it does not deal with the science behind pandemics, it is designed to equip you with foundational algebra skills to understand how to make informed decisions about a critical public health issue.

The purpose of this beta launch of Pandemic is to gather feedback and spread awareness of its final release and of Prisms' full Algebra library launch in September. The complete Algebra course will include 5 multi-part modules on the topics of linear functions, quadratics, exponentials (Pandemic), systems of equations, and statistics.

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