Cover Image of Hand Spell
Hand Spell
16 Apr 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD

Hand Spell

16 Apr 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
The lowest price
4.99 USD
Current price
4.99 USD


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Publisher: KOSMIQ
Developer: KOSMIQ
Current version: 1.00
Total installed space: 363.10MB
Required space adjusted: 296.67MB


You have one chance to escape a mysterious prison.
Will you survive to make it to the surface ?


- Cast different spells using your own hands
- Random / Roguelike elements to keep gameplay fresh each session
- 20+ original enemies, fully hand crafted & animated
- Seated experience and no motion sickness


- The full game contains 3 differents biomes, with various different rooms.
- The goal is to reach the final floor and defeat the final boss.
- Each run length is between 15 - 40 minutes, however you won't be able to beat the game in one run considering the difficulty and the random elements
- The game include permanent upgrades to boost your character and unlock a Hard Mode

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