Cover Image of Blade & Sorcery: Nomad
Blade & Sorcery: Nomad
04 Nov 2021
Quest & Quest 2
19.99 USD
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19.99 USD

Blade & Sorcery: Nomad

04 Nov 2021
Quest & Quest 2
19.99 USD
The highest price
19.99 USD
The lowest price
19.99 USD
Current price
19.99 USD


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103× favorited
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Publisher: Warpfrog
Developer: Warpfrog
Current version: 0.11.3
Total installed space: 2.11GB
Required space adjusted: 2.48GB


The era of the VR weightless, wiggle-sword combat is over. Blade & Sorcery: Nomad is a medieval fantasy sandbox like no other, focusing on melee, ranged and magic combat that fully utilizes a unique and realistic physics driven interaction and combat system. Built exclusively for VR, collisions are dictated by fine hitboxes, objects have weight and follow the laws of physics, creatures have full body physics and presence, and blades can be used to penetrate soft materials or deflect magic. In Blade & Sorcery: Nomad, the combat is limited only by your own creativity. Choose your weapon, choose your stance, choose your fighting style; Be the powerful warrior, ranger or sorcerer you always dreamed of becoming!

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