Cover Image of Neon Odyssey
Neon Odyssey
16 Jan 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
11.99 USD 19.99 USD SAVE: 40 %
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11.99 USD 19.99 USD

Neon Odyssey

16 Jan 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
11.99 USD 19.99 USD SAVE: 40 %
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19.99 USD
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11.99 USD
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11.99 USD


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Publisher: Ayayu Games
Developer: Ayayu Games
Current version: 2.00003
Total installed space: 417.36MB
Required space adjusted: 660.91MB


Dive into the immersive world of "Neon Odyssey," a groundbreaking mixed reality game set within an AI-controlled space station. Assume the role of Glow, the luminescent hero on a thrilling mission to rescue Dr. Harris. This game seamlessly blends adventure, puzzles, and action, offering an unparalleled experience. With innovative and intuitive controls merging classic platformer mechanics with cutting-edge interfaces, players navigate holographic landscapes, solve intricate puzzles, and engage in adrenaline-pumping action sequences effortlessly.

Choose your path through campaign mode, unraveling the station's mysteries while racing against time. Or rev up the competition in racing mode, testing your skills in high-speed challenges. Equip yourself with a variety of weapons and commandeer different spaceships, each with unique abilities, amplifying your gameplay experience.

"Neon Odyssey" blurs the lines between reality and virtual worlds, inviting players into a visually stunning and dynamic environment. Whether exploring the station's depths or racing through its corridors, the game promises an unforgettable journey filled with suspense, strategy, and endless possibilities. Experience the fusion of classic platformer gameplay with state-of-the-art interfaces, and embark on an electrifying adventure where your choices shape the fate of Glow and Dr. Harris within the mesmerizing confines of the AI-controlled space station.

Proudly made by Ayayu Games

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