Cover Image of Glider Sim
Glider Sim
08 Apr 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
24.99 USD
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24.99 USD

Glider Sim

08 Apr 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
24.99 USD
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24.99 USD
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24.99 USD
Current price
24.99 USD


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Publisher: 5D Realities
Developer: 5D Realities LLC
Current version: 1.5.8
Total installed space: 861.52MB
Required space adjusted: 1.56GB


Glider Sim is a professional paragliding / paramotor simulator aimed at achieving realism of the actual sport.

The simulator takes place in Sun Valley, ID, United States. Scenery is derived from real world satellite imagery and overlaid with high resolution textures and dense forest. One of the biggest open worlds on Quest! (50 km2)

Lots of attention went into the flight physics as well as the wind and thermal system. Set your launch point, glider, and flight condition. Use your VR controllers to grab the handles and lean forward to takeoff! Find ridge lift and thermals to stay airborne. You can toggle on and off wind visualization particles.

Each cell of the glider is simulated and physics applied. You can do maneuvers such as wingovers, spirals, stalls, and swoops. Watch out and don't let your wing collapse!

Fly the scored challenges that help improve your flying and understand the basics of paragliding.

Be sure to share / rate if you enjoy so we can continue development!

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