Cover Image of Halcyon (US)
Halcyon (US)
16 Dec 2016
Rift & Rift S
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD

Halcyon (US)

16 Dec 2016
Rift & Rift S
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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9.99 USD


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Publisher: Secret Location
Developer: SecretLocation
Current version: v0.3.70
Total installed space: 887.87MB
Required space adjusted: 2.87GB


When the CEO of the world’s leading Virtual Reality company is murdered in VR, Detective Jules Dover is pulled down a rabbit hole that could threaten the very fabric of real life. Set in the year 2040, Halcyon is a dark vision of the future that feels closer to reality with each passing day.

Halcyon is a futuristic murder mystery that explores the dark side of Virtual Reality (VR). The 15-part series includes 10 short-form episodes, interspliced with 5 interactive VR episodes that take you deeper into the story.

For the ultimate experience, the Halcyon VR app for Oculus Rift and GearVR contains all 15 episodes, allowing you to experience the show through an interactive 3D world and discover the evidence for yourself.

Please ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest available version of the graphics driver for your computer, before running the app.

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