Cover Image of Floating World EA
Floating World EA
14 Jul 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD

Floating World EA

14 Jul 2022
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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9.99 USD


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Publisher: MiYa Games
Developer: MiYa Games
Current version: 1.5.03
Total installed space: 912.96MB
Required space adjusted: 1.54GB


“Floating World” is an ocean-themed survival game with great building and crafting mechanics. You will have to scavenge for food and resources, build yourself shelter to survive every single day. Taming animals, building houses, crafting tools, your genius may guide you through this oceanic world.

As an early access version of the game, Floating World offers a vast world of islands, plotlines, puzzles, and building materials, including new and exciting tools to explore. With continuous updates, we're always working to improve the game and make it even more enjoyable for our players. If you have any ideas or suggestions, join our Discord community and share them with us. Come and discover the vast oceanic world of Floating World today!

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