Cover Image of Mortal Blitz
Mortal Blitz
31 Aug 2017
Rift & Rift S
19.99 USD
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19.99 USD

Mortal Blitz

31 Aug 2017
Rift & Rift S
19.99 USD
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19.99 USD
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19.99 USD
Current price
19.99 USD


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Publisher: Skonec Entertainment
Developer: Skonec Entertainment
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 2.98GB
Required space adjusted: 4.98GB


Mortal Blitz applies Gun Shooting games from arcade game centers into VR platform, and lets you feel the whole new First-Person VR action shooter experience.

In this game, the player becomes ‘Yuhei’ ex- F.O.R.C.E. (governmental elite soldiers), and toils and fights missions to thwart the evil plans of the Dominion’s Teratoma Destruction Plan.

Mortal Blitz aims to provide fun and various experiences as a gun-shooting game by implementing the following systems:

- Dual Aiming System, which allows the player to defeat enemies with two weapons

- AGC(Anti-Gravity Control System), which allows the player to interact with surrounding objects with psychokinetic powers

- Training mode, which allows players to practice shooting with many mini-game levels

- Groggy Finishing System, which allows the player to experience heroic and stylish battle by pulling in enemies in groggy state with slow motion and in-air shots

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