Cover Image of Mansion Mystery
Mansion Mystery
26 Apr 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
4.99 USD 9.99 USD SAVE: 50 %
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4.99 USD 9.99 USD

Mansion Mystery

26 Apr 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
4.99 USD 9.99 USD SAVE: 50 %
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9.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD


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Publisher: GarageVR
Developer: GarageVR
Current version: 1.7
Total installed space: 414.88MB
Required space adjusted: 693.27MB


An unforgettable experience awaits in this immersive VR escape room game. You will find yourself trapped in a mysterious mansion with no apparent way out, presented with a series of unique challenges that will test your puzzle-solving skills.

Throughout the game, various items will need to be collected, and the environment must be interacted with to solve intricate puzzles and ultimately escape the mansion. Each puzzle has been carefully crafted to provide a challenging and engaging experience that will keep you on the edge.

The game mechanics have been designed to ensure that every clue is important and every second counts. You will need to use your observational skills and creativity to think outside the box and find the necessary tools to unlock doors and other mysteries.

The game has been designed to provide a truly immersive experience that will captivate and engage players of all ages. So why wait? Put your puzzle-solving skills to the test and immerse yourself in this exciting VR game today!

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