Cover Image of Hard Line
Hard Line
26 Jun 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD

Hard Line

26 Jun 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
14.99 USD
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14.99 USD
The lowest price
14.99 USD
Current price
14.99 USD


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Publisher: Visceract
Developer: Sky Yurt
Current version: 0.7.1
Total installed space: 903.70MB
Required space adjusted: 1.66GB


Immerse yourself in an exhilarating virtual reality adventure that pays homage to the classic action films of the past. You step into the shoes of a fearless hero facing a harrowing challenge.

Terrorists have seized control of a sprawling skyscraper, holding innocent hostages captive within its towering walls. As the lone warrior who can save the day, it is your duty to navigate each treacherous floor, confronting relentless enemies with swift precision and tactical prowess.

With every enemy you kill and with every hostage you rescue, you earn XP that can be used to unlock various weapons and upgrades.

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