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Velocity Rush
08 Aug 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD

Velocity Rush

08 Aug 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
4.99 USD
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4.99 USD
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4.99 USD


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Publisher: Immerscope
Developer: Immerscope
Current version: 0.2
Total installed space: 215.20MB
Required space adjusted: 309.90MB


What’s new in version 0.2:
- Add Checkpoint feature

Velocity Rush is tailor-made for players seeking a seamless and user-friendly VR encounter with single input control that makes it effortless to jump right into the action. You'll find yourself swiftly maneuvering through high-speed scenarios, weaving through obstacles, and making split-second decisions that test your reflexes and wits.

Key Features:
- Simplicity in Action: Experience the thrill with just one input: jump, making the game easy to play for everyone.
- Motion Sickness-Free: Ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience for all players.
- Accessible Yet Challenging: Whether you're a casual player or a seasoned expert, Velocity Rush offers enjoyment for all while presenting a rewarding challenge for those seeking mastery.
- Handcrafted Wonder: Each stage presents new hurdles and complexities, that immerse you in stunning virtual worlds.

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