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29 Sep 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
6.99 USD
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6.99 USD


29 Sep 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
6.99 USD
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6.99 USD
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6.99 USD
Current price
6.99 USD


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Publisher: Palindrome VR
Developer: Palindrome VR
Current version: 0.12
Total installed space: 495.69MB
Required space adjusted: 860.51MB


Navigate the labyrinthine corridors of an elderly woman's mind, whose memories have been broken by Alzheimer's. As the chosen mind-repairer, you will solve puzzles, guided by a witty robot, to piece together the tapestry of her life. Merge technology with empathy to revive beautiful memories from oblivion.

🧩 Puzzle-Solving 🧩
Explore various environments, each packed with unique challenges to solve. As you successfully untangle these puzzles, you'll gather precious memories that belong to an elderly woman. Engage your inner Sherlock Holmes, crack the puzzles, and share in the joy of rebuilding lost memories!

⚡️Unleash the Potential of Brand New Powers! ✨
Level up your puzzle-solving game: unleash unique powers to ghost your hands, clone objects and steal colors!

🔧 Post-Launch Support 🔧
Your adventure doesn't end at launch! We've got your back with support for any hurdles you encounter or if you need some tips. Game on, confidently!
You can contact me at!!!

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