Cover Image of Fitness
13 Nov 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
5.99 USD
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5.99 USD


13 Nov 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
5.99 USD
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5.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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5.99 USD


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Publisher: Artisoft
Developer: Artisoft
Current version: 1.16
Total installed space: 289.52MB
Required space adjusted: 457.46MB


Fitness VR game aims at stress reduction while promoting physical activity and overall wellness.

Grab any of the weapons: boxing gloves, baseball bat, sledgehammer, shovel, cricket bat, tennis bat, or your fists and smash some balls.

This unconventional method provides a physical outlet for pent-up tension, allowing individuals to release stress in a controlled environment. The variety of available tools caters to different preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.

Whether you prefer the satisfying thud of a baseball bat connecting with a ball or the raw power of using your fists, the ball smasher offers a unique and cathartic way to let off steam.

It transforms the act of stress relief into a physical and engaging activity. So, the next time stress looms, head to the ball smasher and unleash your frustration on those unsuspecting balls. It's not just a stress reliever; it's a fun and dynamic approach to coping with life's pressures, promoting a healthier and more balanced mindset.

Take a swing, make a hit, and feel the tension melt away as you engage in this unconventional yet effective stress-busting activity.

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