Cover Image of Wander
21 May 2019
Quest & Quest 2
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD


21 May 2019
Quest & Quest 2
9.99 USD
The highest price
9.99 USD
The lowest price
5.99 USD
Current price
9.99 USD


78× watchlisted
56× favorited
50× ownered


Publisher: Parkline Interactive, LLC
Developer: Parkline Interactive, LLC
Current version: 0.3443
Total installed space: 266.47MB
Required space adjusted: 362.80MB


Wander the world openly through the magic of VR.

From the comfort of your living room you can teleport almost anywhere in the world - whether you wish to walk across the London Bridge, stroll the gardens of the Taj Mahal, or witness the enormity of the Great Pyramids of Egypt - unlimited exploration awaits!

Notable features include:
- Speech recognition for searching
- Wikipedia integration for location-based learning
- Historical jumping to witness changes over the years
- Multiple navigation modes and more

Note: This app uses data from Google StreetView but is not an official Google product.

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