Cover Image of Terror Cave HD
Terror Cave HD
15 Mar 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD

Terror Cave HD

15 Mar 2017
Go Samsung Gear VR
1.99 USD
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1.99 USD
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0.99 USD
Current price
1.99 USD


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Publisher: Tecworks
Developer: Polyraw
Current version: 5.3
Total installed space: 219.29MB
Required space adjusted: 290.95MB


Welcome to Terror Cave, one amazing experience that will reproduce the effect of the famous theme parks terror caves where you sit on a raft into an haunted water ride and a series of weird creatures will try to scare you, while you cross into a suggestive scenario luna park. If you are impressionable person that can easy be scared and are afraid to not support strong emotions, we recommend you the "Sweety" version of the experience, that will drive you in a tour with mild emotive and amazing feelings, but if you are brave and love high impact, go ahead with the "Scary" version, and get ready to be shocked with strong emotions!

In this new version, the performance on all devices has been pushed to maximum possible, to get the optimal frame rate with high scenario optimization, that gives good experience confort and helps to keep the device as cold as possible. The purchase of this version, will include unlimited updates to future Terror Cave release.

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