Cover Image of Power Force: Just Shoot
Power Force: Just Shoot
04 Jun 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD

Power Force: Just Shoot

04 Jun 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
9.99 USD
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9.99 USD
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Current price
9.99 USD


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Publisher: Transmind
Developer: Transmind
Current version: 2.0.2
Total installed space: 644.01MB
Required space adjusted: 1.08GB


Power Force is designed for enjoying casual shooting with slight challenging and thrilling moments.

We are not meant to make this a professional shooting game which needs a lot of tactics and strategic thinking. Instead, It is an easy-to-play FPS game with many different enemies. What players need to do is "Just shoot" !

# Features
1. Two modes with 3 levels each to play: There are different settings of challenges in arcade and classic modes. It suits for wide range of players who can always find a mode and level to enjoy !

2. Shoot like Keanu Reeves with dual guns!
Pistol, gatlin, missile, and shotgun. Each weapon brings you to a unique experience.

3. Roguelike Gameplay
Establish multiple strategies to going through the battlefield with random props and buffs!

4. Relieve pressure and get sweaty
Dodge bullets by moving body up to down, left to right. Watch out for the bullets! Be agile!

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