Cover Image of GrooVR: Air Drumming
GrooVR: Air Drumming
16 Aug 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
10.99 USD 19.99 USD SAVE: 45 %
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10.99 USD 19.99 USD

GrooVR: Air Drumming

16 Aug 2021
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
10.99 USD 19.99 USD SAVE: 45 %
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19.99 USD
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10.99 USD


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Publisher: Mercuryo Tecnologia
Developer: Mercuryo Tecnologia
Current version: 3
Total installed space: 721.66MB
Required space adjusted: 1.30GB


Unleash your inner musician with GrooVR, the ultimate virtual reality rhythm game. Say goodbye to boring, senseless games and immerse yourself in a realistic and engaging drumming experience.

With GrooVR, you'll have the opportunity to play the drums in a variety of genres including Punk, Metal, Pop-punk, Rock'n'roll, and Industrial, we have a catalog of 41 songs to enjoy. The game supports mixed reality capture for an even more immersive experience.

Customize your drum set-up and play the way you want. We're constantly updating the game with new music and techniques to ensure an enjoyable and engaging experience. The game also features variety of street environments, from urban to suburban. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, you can start on medium difficulty and increase the challenge as you progress.

Experience the thrill of drumming in a realistic street environment with GrooVR. Take the first step towards becoming an expert virtual drummer today.

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