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XR Flight
17 Apr 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
5.99 USD
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5.99 USD

XR Flight

17 Apr 2023
Quest & Quest 2 App Lab
5.99 USD
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5.99 USD
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5.99 USD


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Publisher: Reinvision Labs Pvt Ltd
Developer: ReinvisionLabs
Current version: 0.0.29
Total installed space: 789.27MB
Required space adjusted: 1.41GB


XR Flight virtually offers a realistic training experience for the crew members who play a crucial role in managing safety, which can contribute to the prevention of incidents and/or accidents by allowing learners to experience the situations that might precipitate accidents, characterize or follow security threats, thus aiding in building individual resilience and preparedness. These are designed to engage the crew and improve their learning of threat prevention and response procedures.

Modules :
- Cabin Crew Flight Exterior Familiarization
- Cabin Crew Onboard Safety Equipment Familiarization
- Galley Familiarization
- Door Operations (Normal and Emergency Door Operations)
- Pilot Preflight Walk-Around
- PW1100G Engine Operation

Features :
- Learner Centric Modules
- Experiential Learning
- Interactive Practice Modules
- Realistic Experience

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