Cover Image of Telefrag VR
Telefrag VR
19 Jul 2019
Rift & Rift S
16.99 USD 19.99 USD SAVE: 15 %
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16.99 USD 19.99 USD

Telefrag VR

19 Jul 2019
Rift & Rift S
16.99 USD 19.99 USD SAVE: 15 %
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19.99 USD
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3.99 USD
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16.99 USD


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Publisher: Anshar Studios
Developer: Anshar Studios
Current version: 20191028_r6762_S
Total installed space: 6.76GB
Required space adjusted: 8.76GB


Telefrag VR is a hellishly fast-paced shooter with visceral movement and combat mechanics. Dash, shoot, and teleport around unique arenas that feature impossible geometry where there is no right side up and death can come from any direction. You’d better bring your A game and telefrag your enemies into oblivion if you want to excel in PvP duels.

Set in an alternative universe where the Roman Empire never collapsed, you step into the shoes of a new breed of a gladiator on the road to becoming a champion. Use your speed, accuracy, and wits to outmaneuver and defeat your enemies, crushing them beneath your feet.

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