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Publisher: Kaleidoscope
Developer: Evolving Technologies Corp
Current version: 1.0
Total installed space: 678.54MB
Required space adjusted: 2.66GB
Testimony is an interactive documentary for virtual reality that shares the stories of five survivors of sexual assault and their journey to healing. Beyond just a film, Testimony is an advocacy platform to allow the public to bear witness to those who have been silenced. Despite persistent victim-shaming and the discounting of their experiences, survivors are increasingly coming forward, empowering one another to become agents of change and hope. Testimony is an interactive investigation that aims to tackle the obstacles women and men still need to overcome in order to report assault and confront the legal system.
Director/ Producer Zohar Kfir
Executive Producer Kaleidoscope VR
Original Composition Josephine Wiggs
Unity Development Evolving Technologies Corporation
World Premiere Tribeca Film Festival 2017
This project highlights the testimonies of sexual abuse survivors and touches on material that can be experienced as being of a sensitive nature.