Cover Image of Kolb Antarctica Experience
Kolb Antarctica Experience
11 Apr 2018
Rift & Rift S
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD

Kolb Antarctica Experience

11 Apr 2018
Rift & Rift S
2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD
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2.99 USD


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Publisher: Devika
Developer: Devika
Current version: 1.0.077
Total installed space: 250.50MB
Required space adjusted: 2.24GB


The aim is to combine VR with Kolb’s method of experiential learning to achieve the best results for students. It is expected to gain higher retention rates of knowledge among participants.

First scene will be an Antarctic experience which will allow students to put on the virtual reality headset and enter the world of the Antarctic. The scenario begins where scientist will introduce the topic and explain the reasoning for their presence, their significance with the ecology, and what are some of the activities that take place.

She will then tell you to take a photo of a penguin for research purposes. There will be different resources given to the student staggered throughout the experience to see their intuitiveness of the setting and their grasping of the resources regarding problem-solving. The introduction will be a blend of science and geography, and the experience will allow the students to get a first-hand feel into a day in the life of an Antarctic scientist.

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